Mato's Homepage

This site is currently a work in-progress, so please mind the occasional broken link, or “coming soon” page.

The goal of this site is to present a collection of Pokemon Go “player’s guides” to help Trainers learn how to build Battle Parties, what Pokemon are worth investing resources into and why, how to best manage their Pokemon and Items Storage, and more.

As there are many resources online dedicated to well established, high-level, and hardcore Trainers, this site does not try to emulate what they do. Instead, our guides are meant to provide Trainers with the knowledge they need to confidently make their own decisions while playing, rather than having to resort to a chart or other resource to double-check their options. Our guides are filled with realistic examples of decisions that Trainers commonly have to make, and explain why the best option is in fact the best. Rather than telling Trainers what they should do, we aim to explain why they should do something, in a way that they can then apply to other situations in the game.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or requests for things you’d like to see added or changed on the site, or you see something on the site that doesn’t work, or is no longer accurate, please email me at, or reach out to me on Twitter @GoDreamEaters.

At the time of writing this, the only complete guide on this site is about the Best Attackers to train. There will be a blog available shortly, where I will post updates on the site, such as when new guides are available, as well as other snippets like spotlighting a certain Pokemon and how to use it. Until then, you can follow @GoDreamEaters on Twitter for updates.